Barrington Office: 224.848.4646       Oak Brook Office: 224.633.1932

When one thinks of abuse, abusing the elderly may not be the first to come to mind. In an effort to raise awareness, June is recognized as World Elder Abuse Awareness Month. The abuse the elderly face includes physical, emotional, financial, or sexual. It can also be in the form of neglect or abandonment.

We can all come to the aide of our elderly by making ourselves aware of typical warning signs. If you are planning to visit an elderly person in their home, hospital, or nursing home, the following are warning signs to watch for:

  • The elderly person is acting tired and may tell you that they have been having trouble sleeping. 
  • They seem lethargic, depressed, or confused.
  • They look like they have begun to lose weight although their lifestyle has not changed.
  • They act differently; they have less patience, are violent, withdrawn, or troubled.
  • The elderly person may show signs of trauma by rocking back and forth or displaying other odd behaviors.
  • They lose interest in projects, hobbies, and friends.
  • They may have bruises, broken or fractured bones, cuts, burns, or inexplicable scars.
  • They look disheveled or their home, clothing, or bedding is dirty.
  • They develop conditions that could easily be prevented like bedsores.

How You Can Help

 If you suspect an elderly person is being abused, it is important that you act. Try to talk to them one-on-one if they are able. Let them know that you are concerned about their safety and ask them if anything inappropriate is happening. They may not be truthful out of fear or embarrassment, so be patient and keep them talking. Many times they will reveal something just through continued conversation.

If you believe your suspicions are valid, you have a few options.

  • You can call the ElderCare Locator at 1-800-677-1116 on weekdays. They will provide you information for local services that can help you.
  • You can get help from a local Adult Protective Services Agency. You can find the state directory for Illinois here.
  • Call 911, especially if you believe the elderly person is in immediate danger.

At Piercey & Associates, we can help protect and obtain justice for an elderly person and their family if elder abuse is an issue. Once the individual is safe from danger, contact us as soon as possible so that we can assist you in taking the proper legal action to protect your elderly loved one from further abuse.