Estate Planning
Even fundamental estate planning can help protect your loved ones from hurtful disputes and inter-family resentment so often caused by the after-death probate court experience. Over the past 28 years, we have developed a proprietary trust based plan with 25 protections, many of which are unique to our documents. Piercey & Associates, Ltd. properly drafts all documents necessary to help avoid such dissent, delays and expenses related to probate court cases. Our documents clearly state when, where, how, and to whom your assets will be distributed. Compassion, not conflict, is what your family will need most when the inevitable occurs. Our fundamental estate planning service will help ensure this happens.
We also offer complimentary estate planning consultations with no obligation on your part. At the same time, we will review any existing estate planning documents free of charge. (These offers apply to estates with assets of less than $10 million.)

Estate Tax and Capital Gains Tax Elimination Planning
Avoiding unnecessary taxes is an excellent way to build and preserve your legacy. Whether you want to avoid a large estate tax or a capital gains tax on appreciated real estate holdings, stocks, bonds, or high-value material assets, Piercey & Associates, Ltd. can assist you with revolutionary tax elimination strategies. By applying a combination of more than 70 tools and techniques, we can completely eliminate your tax liability. Once we understand your goals and evaluate your current situation, we will lead you through the methodical process of designing and executing a most comprehensive tax elimination plan customized to your needs. In many cases, it is not uncommon for our clients to retain control of their assets after the zero-tax plan takes effect. When you eliminate your tax liability today, your result is a richer legacy tomorrow.
Asset Protection
Most likely, you’ve achieved your wealth through dedication and hard work. So, it makes sense to protect all that you’ve accumulated in the way of your assets. Piercey & Associates, Ltd.’s asset protection planning is the safety net that protects your wealth from fraudulent creditors that could easily impoverish your family. No matter at what stage you are in life, asset protection is a legacy safeguard that is best put into place sooner than later. Many of our tools and techniques used for probate avoidance and estate tax elimination can also provide creditor protection. Enjoy peace of mind by talking to us about asset protection, today. You won’t worry if you don’t wait.
Probate Avoidance
Transferring your assets to your heirs upon your death should be a seamless process that occurs in a timely and dignified manner. To ensure this result, you should entirely avoid probate with a Revocable Living Trust (RLT). Without an RLT, creditors and unreasonable claims asserted against you or your loved ones will be first in line to take from your legacy. What’s more, a simple Will does not protect your beneficiaries from the costs, potential years of waiting and diminished inheritances associated with going through probate. Protect your legacy, reduce your loved ones’ pain and anxiety, and ensure a smooth transition of your assets by letting Piercey & Associates, Ltd. design a Revocable Living Trust customized to your unique situation.
Powers of Attorney
Powers of Attorney for Property
If you become incapacitated, even temporarily, it is crucial to have a plan in place to authorize a trusted agent to:
- protect and use your assets for your benefit,
- assist with paying your bills and taxes,
- engage in tax, long term care, and Medicaid planning, and
- avoid the need for a costly guardianship court case.
We have seen contested guardianship cases cost in excess of $400,000, which could have been avoided with proper planning.
Powers of Attorney for Health Care
The Power of Attorney for Health Care gives you the control to choose the agent who will make medical decisions for you if you become incapacitated. It can also prevent you from being “stuck” on life support and very costly litigation with regard to care disputes.